Let It Happen Lyrics: A Deep Dive into Meaning, History, and Music

Lyrical Analysis

Let it happen lyrics

Let it happen lyrics – The lyrics of “Let It Happen” by Tame Impala explore themes of self-acceptance, impermanence, and the transformative power of change. Through the use of vivid imagery and poetic language, the song conveys a message of embracing the present moment and letting go of the past.

The serene whispers of “Let It Happen” lyrics echo through my mind, like a gentle breeze caressing my soul. Yet, amidst its ethereal melody, a poignant reminder emerges, a song that captures the bittersweet symphony of love and loss: I Love You, I’m Sorry.

The raw emotions of longing and regret intertwine, reminding me that even in the depths of our sorrow, the echoes of “Let It Happen” linger, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness.

Key Literary Devices, Let it happen lyrics

The song employs several key literary devices, including:

  • Metaphor: The lyrics are rich in metaphors, such as “the current takes me away” and “the sun is setting on my skin,” which symbolize the passage of time and the inevitability of change.
  • Imagery: The song’s lyrics paint vivid images, such as “the stars are blazing like diamonds” and “the moon is hanging low,” which create a sense of wonder and awe at the beauty of the natural world.
  • Personification: The lyrics personify abstract concepts, such as “time” and “change,” giving them human qualities and emotions.

Symbolism and Metaphors

The lyrics also contain a number of symbols and metaphors that contribute to the song’s overall meaning:

  • The river: The river is a symbol of the passage of time and the constant flow of life. The lyrics suggest that we should let go of our worries and allow ourselves to be carried away by the current.
  • The sun: The sun is a symbol of hope and renewal. The lyrics suggest that even when things are dark, there is always hope for a brighter future.
  • The moon: The moon is a symbol of change and mystery. The lyrics suggest that we should embrace the unknown and allow ourselves to be transformed by it.

Historical Context

Let it happen lyrics

The genesis of “Let It Happen” can be traced back to 2012, when Kevin Parker, the mastermind behind Tame Impala, embarked on a solitary journey to a remote cabin in Western Australia. Immersed in the tranquil solitude of the outback, Parker found himself delving into the depths of his subconscious, experimenting with psychedelic substances and exploring the boundaries of his musical creativity.

Influenced by the transformative experiences he had during this period, Parker sought to capture the essence of these introspective journeys in his music. “Let It Happen” emerged as a sonic tapestry woven from the threads of his personal explorations, reflecting the transformative power of surrender and the liberation that comes from embracing the unknown.

Cultural and Social Influences

The cultural and social landscape of the early 2010s played a significant role in shaping the lyrics of “Let It Happen.” The rise of psychedelic music and the resurgence of interest in meditation and mindfulness practices created a fertile ground for Parker’s introspective explorations.

The song’s lyrics also resonate with the broader cultural zeitgeist of the time, characterized by a growing sense of disillusionment with materialism and a longing for deeper meaning and connection.

Reception and Impact

“Let It Happen” was released in 2015 as the lead single from Tame Impala’s third studio album, “Currents.” The song was met with critical acclaim, with many praising its sonic experimentation and Parker’s evocative lyrics.

The song’s popularity extended beyond the realm of music enthusiasts, reaching a wider audience through its inclusion in films and television shows. It has since become an anthem for those seeking solace and inspiration in the face of life’s challenges.

Musical Structure: Let It Happen Lyrics

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The musical structure of “Let It Happen” is complex and innovative, featuring a blend of electronic and organic elements that complement and enhance the song’s lyrical themes.

The song is built around a hypnotic chord progression that centers on the key of A minor. The progression moves through a series of dissonant and unresolved chords, creating a sense of tension and unease that mirrors the song’s exploration of existential anxiety.


The melody of “Let It Happen” is equally complex and evocative. It consists of a series of interlocking phrases that build upon each other, creating a sense of momentum and urgency. The melody is often syncopated and unpredictable, reflecting the song’s themes of chaos and uncertainty.


The instrumentation of “Let It Happen” is sparse and atmospheric. The song features a combination of electronic and acoustic instruments, including synthesizers, guitars, and drums. The electronics create a sense of space and depth, while the acoustic instruments provide a grounding and organic element.

One of the most distinctive features of the song’s instrumentation is the use of a theremin. The theremin is an electronic instrument that is played by moving one’s hands in close proximity to its antennas. The theremin creates a haunting and ethereal sound that perfectly complements the song’s themes of transcendence and the unknown.

In the lyrical tapestry of “Let It Happen,” Tame Impala weaves a mesmerizing exploration of surrendering to the ebb and flow of life. Its hypnotic beats and ethereal melodies evoke a sense of acceptance, inviting us to embrace the chaos and find solace in the inevitable.

Like a river flowing through a valley, the lyrics of “Normal Thing” mirror this sentiment , reminding us that even in the most mundane of experiences, there lies a profound beauty and a quiet joy. Yet, as the chorus of “Let It Happen” reverberates, we are left with a sense of empowerment, knowing that by surrendering to the current, we open ourselves up to the limitless possibilities that life holds.

Like a ripple in the calm sea, “Let It Happen” lyrics gently weave their way into our hearts. Its ethereal melody and introspective lyrics evoke a sense of surrender and liberation. As the song’s waves crash upon the shores of our minds, we find ourselves drawn to the liberating embrace of free now gracie abrams.

Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, “Let It Happen” lyrics remind us that even in the darkest of times, hope and renewal can blossom.

In the tapestry of existence, where love and regret intertwine, the lyrics of “Let It Happen” resonate deeply. Its message of embracing the unknown echoes in our hearts, urging us to surrender to the ebb and flow of life. Yet, in the midst of this surrender, we find ourselves yearning for words that express our deepest emotions, our apologies and our unwavering love.

The lyrics of “I Love You, I’m Sorry” capture this longing with poignant simplicity, reminding us that even in the face of uncertainty, our hearts can find solace in the power of forgiveness and the enduring flame of love. As we navigate the complexities of existence, may we embrace the wisdom of “Let It Happen” while holding close the words that heal and mend, reminding us of the indomitable spirit that resides within us.

Amidst the haunting melody of “Let It Happen,” the lyrics evoke a profound understanding of acceptance and surrender. Like the gentle waves washing ashore, the song’s message reminds us to embrace life’s uncertainties. Yet, even in the face of adversity, there remains a flicker of hope.

A love that whispers, ” I love you, I’m sorry.” A reminder that despite the storms, we are never truly alone. As the song’s chorus reverberates, “Let it happen, let it happen,” it serves as a beacon of resilience, encouraging us to navigate the turbulent waters of life with grace and fortitude.

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